Greg Bole was a key member of the Biology Undergraduate program teaching team and a member of the Botany and Zoology departments at UBC. Greg received his PhD from Stony Brook University in 2001 and joined UBC as a Lecturer in 2003. Greg was anointed as a Instructor (Assistant Professor of Teaching) in 2009 and promoted to Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor of Teaching) in 2015. Greg was instrumental in the teaching of many of our key courses including Biology 121 and 336. Greg was award a Killiam Teaching Award in 2008. Greg was key to many important developments in Biology including the implementation of the Carl Wieman Scienced Education Initiative and the development of the UBC Biology Teaching Assistant Professional Development (BioTAP) program.
Greg’s contributions to science education extended far beyond the University including involvement in multiple science podcasts:
- https://vancouver.nerdnite.com/nerdin-about-podcast/
- https://causticsodapodcast.com/ - The End
- And famously in his role as Charles Darwin at multiple Evolution and Darwin Day events: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qa7kKKza_Vo
Greg will be sorely missed as a colleague, a mentor, a teacher and for his enthusiasm for all things Biology and Science.
The BC, Musqueam and UBC flags (at the North Plaza of the Life Building) was lowered Friday, September 3, 2021 in remembrance.
Associate Professor of Teaching Greg Bole passed away on August 22, 2021. Dr. Bole was currently teaching Evolutionary Biology, in the Department of Zoology.
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