ShakeOut is an annual drill to help us prepare for seismic activity. The drill is a timely reminder for UBC and individuals to review and update emergency preparedness plans and supplies, and practice what to do should an earthquake strike.
The Quake Cottage earthquake simulator will be set-up at University Commons, outside the AMS Student Nest from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on October 17. Head down to experience first-hand what an earthquake feels like.
To help raise awareness for the threats posed by seismic activity, SRS will be screening the earthquake movie San Andreas in The Nest on the day of ShakeOut. Why not witness the (vastly exaggerated) potential effects of seismic activity over a bowl of popcorn?
You can find more information: Personal Emergency Preparedness Get ready to ShakeOut Register for UBC Alert
How can you help? Encourage your colleagues to get involved with ShakeOut. Take part in the drill, visit the Quake Cottage and watch San Andreas on your lunch break.