16:30-17:30 Drop off potluck items to the Biodiv first floor.
17:00-17:30 Santa visits the BRC Black Hole! Refer to past ZGSA emails for more details.
18:00 sharp! The infamous Huts Skit, performed live in CHBE 101 by a talented cast of grad students. Professors— bring emotional support and hang on to your seats, you’re in for a wild ride! Children— you may learn some exciting new words this year!
19:00 come back to Biodiv for the potluck, art auction, and general merriment on the first floor foyer!
19:00-20:00 Art Auction in the Black Hole! I share an office with Libby (this year's amazing auctioneer and artist wrangler) and I’ve seen some straight up masterpieces piling up on her desk. You’re all going to want to stop by to ogle the art and put in a silent bid. 50% of proceeds go to funding the ZGSA! Bring cash for easy transactions! Don’t touch the art with your grubby potluck fingers. Make sure to congratulate Libby; organizing the art auction is a huge undertaking!
Later in the evening: The party moves to a fresh location on the second floor. Your cue to move will be the soothing sound of bangers being dropped by DJ Evan Hersh and his giant sub. DJ Roseanna and other exciting guests will drop late-night sets to carry you all through into the wee hours of Saturday morning. The party ends when the Saturday morning clean up crew arrives.
A silly amount of time went into this event and there are many people you might consider thanking when you spot them in the comically crowded BRC atrium tomorrow evening. A massive thank you to all the cast and crew of this year’s Huts Skit, especially to their fearless directors Mackenzie Urquhart-Cronish and Takuji Usui (and apologies to Amy Angert for absolutely crippling her lab's productivity over the past month). All supervisors are encouraged to ignore the fact that the skit has taken up a foolishly large amount of their students time for the past month. If you admired anyone’s performance in particular, always remember that grad student actors love free drink tickets!
The holiday party festivities are orchestrated by the epic, behind the scenes efforts of the Zoology Graduate Student Association! Thanks to this year's stellar ZGSA lineup: Megan Szojka, Evan Mckenzie, Ken Thompson, and Christina Hsu!