2024 Award recipients

The awards were given during the 100 year celebration banquet, This event was part of the three day 3rd ZGSA-Debbie and Justin Wragg-Schmidt Spring Symposium and the Zoology's 100 year celebration symposium, that took place on April 30, 2024
Biology Teaching Assistant Award – Jessica Li
Biology Teaching Assistant Honorable Mention – Zandra Santa Rita
Graduate Student Excellence Award - MSc: Lauren Gill & PhD: Lydia Fong
Lifetime Achievement Award - Bruce Gillespie
Leadership Awad - Olga Tosin
Workplace Excelllence Award - Jacelyn Shu
More details: Debbie and Justin Wragg-Schmidt Zoology Spring Symposium and Zoology's 100 year celebration
2022 Awards recipients

Originally posted May 12, 2022
The awards were given during the Graduate student appreciation and awards night. This event was part of the Inaugural Debbie and Justin Wragg-Schmidt Zoology Spring Symposium, that took place on April 25, 2022.
Biology Teaching Assistant Award – Jessica Kowalski
Biology Teaching Assistant Honorable Mention – Tessa Blanchard
Teaching Assistants (TAs) are vital to the success of undergraduates in the Biology Program. They play a key role in effective instruction and the smooth operation of all courses. To recognize the important role that they play in the Biology Program, the Departments of Botany and Zoology are proud to offer an annual award for Teaching Assistants for excellence in Teaching. This award consists of a cash prize for the Winner, and certificates of recognition for the Winner and Honourable Mentions. In the past, there have usually been two Honourable Mentions, in addition to the prize Winner.
Zoology Mentorship Award – Dr. Molly Stanley
New award for Mentoring will be awarded to a Postdoctoral Fellow or a Research Associate in the Department of Zoology. This award is in memory of Dr. Jacob Hodgson, a long time Zoology Research Associate. This award has been created to honour his outstanding contributions to mentoring. Jacob was a mentor to so many members of the department but his legacy and impact will be remembered for his mentoring of graduate and undergraduate students.
Graduate Student Excellence Award - Melody Salehzadeh
This award aims to celebrate the accomplishment of graduate students (MSc or PhD) within the Department of Zoology. This award will be given during the to a student who displays strong academic achievements during their degree as well as strong service within the department and their community.